A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

CONTENT WARNING. This game contains (in its current and / or future state) mentions of drugs and drinking, language, heavy themes of death and trauma, and guns. Parts also contain glitchy, flashy and disorienting video.

In the year 2010, 18 year old Meiosei Sayonara wakes up in an unfamiliar house with nine strangers. Two mysterious figures tell them that by the end of this experience, only two will remain. Three years later, 20 year old Kauzha Shinobu and her friend Amane find themselves in a similar situation. Using clues from the past and future, both girls try to make it out of the house with as many people alive as possible, which may be more difficult than simply not killing eachother! Or maybe it is that simple. It's up to you. After all, there's two chances to get things right!

Project 2SHOT is a mystery visual novel made solely by me, Hyde, a.k.a sillymachine. I was inspired by many other battle royale genre games and movies and decided to put my brain fodder into a game! It's currently only in its prologue state, but there's much more to come.

Updated 17 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Release date Nov 05, 2023
AuthorHYDE ★
GenreVisual Novel
TagsFemale Protagonist, Indie, Mystery, Prototype, Ren'Py
Average sessionAbout an hour


project2shot-APRILFOOLS-mac.zip 385 MB
project2shot-APRILFOOLS-pc.zip 391 MB
project2shot-1.3-mac.zip 378 MB
project2shot-1.3-pc.zip 384 MB

Install instructions

Download the windows or mac file (whichever is suited to you) and unzip when downloaded! Then launch the file in the game folder and all should work accordingly.

Development log


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she 2 on my shot til im shot twice

